TR2 Tripod

TR2 Tripod is the most widely used risk analysis software based on the Tripod Beta and Bowtie methodology. TR2 Tripod allows you to easily create a tripod tree or bowtie to identify risks. TR2 is unique in that it makes complex risks simple and visually manageable so that it is easy to read, but is still detailed enough to use the risks for improvement plans.


  • Tripod Beta
    The importance of thorough analysis of incidents and accidents is increasingly recognized. There is a growing realization that good analysis of underlying (mostly) organizational problems and associated improvement measures is a precondition for operating safely. The TRIPOD beta method is one of the best methods for conducting such an analysis.

    Kuiper & Burger specializes in TRIPOD beta. We have demonstrably the greatest experience in the practical application and introduction of the method in companies. Because that's what it's all about: better learning from incidents as part of a company's safety management system.


  • Bowtie 
    A Bowtie as a model for insightfully controlling safety is becoming increasingly popular. Rightly so, as it provides a convenient and logical structure for placing control measures (LODs) to prevent incidents from occurring. In addition, the method fits seamlessly with the Tripod incident analysis method.


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